Saturday 30 January 2016


Michelle, ma belle
These are words that go together well
My Michelle

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble

I love you, I love you, I love you
That's all I want to say
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that you'll understand

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble

I need to, I need to, I need to
I need to make you see
Oh, what you mean to me
Until I do I'm hoping you will know what I mean
I love you
I want you, I want you, I want you
I think you know by now
I'll get to you somehow
Until I do I'm telling you so you'll understand

Michelle, ma belle
Sont des mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble
And I will say the only words I know that you'll understand
My Michelle

Time would run so fast, it might blur the memories, but a song or a music composition could help to remember. People said, that song is one of time machine. In other word we can also say "memento". You can remember some memories in your past just by listen to song that maybe has a relation or describe your feelings at that time. The feeling that you can't even say outloud but just in the song it describes well .

Here, I wrote about this song. Actually I'm not the beatles fans, I just like some old songs of theirs. Once, when I was a kid, my Mom and Dad often play this song in our old radio. They have many cassettes  of old singer. As I remember, the 5th years old of me like this song and tried to sing. Instead of singing..."I need to..I need to.. I need to.." I sang "anicu...anicu..anicu..." And I guess I really enjoyed singing it while doing some little dance. LOL 

Well, I realized that in that age I didn't get english yet. It's normal for children to imitate the sound that they hear, the song that they listen, whether it's correct or not. Different with me, My Mom also has a bad memento about this song. She reminds of a car accident that killed some people in the news that she watched in television while she listened to this song. I bet until now she still recalls of it because she told me clearly. 

As I grow and love to learn about language, I understand its meaning lyrics well. Lately, when I was in college, I realized that there are some of french words used in this song. Oh I was really falling in love in the song whom Paul McCartney composed was released in 1965. Sounds old fashion? ? haha... Yet I don't feel like that. I prefer that calm love ballad to some new love pop songs nowadays. 
With these simple lyrics, easy listening rhytm, and some words in rhyme, who could refuse to sing along or humming? belle...  
These are words that go together well
my michelle

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Pertemuan Tak Terduga (Fan Fiksi Supernova)

Setelah usaha mencari keberadaan ayahnya tak membuahkan hasil, Zarah pun pulang ke Indonesia.  Dalam benaknya masih terngiang-ngiang tentang ‘S’, apakah yang dimaksud dengan ‘S’? Siapakah ‘S’? Entahlah.  Sementara pikirannya sibuk kesana-kemari, ia tak menyadari bahwa seseorang sedang memperhatikannya dari kejauhan.  Sepasang mata misterius yang menatapnya itu tak dapat terpejam sejak keberangkatannya dari Amerika. Sementara rasa sakit di kepalanya masih bertahan. Alfa menyadari bahwa ia tak mengenal gadis yang sejak tadi ia perhatikan, namun wajah itu terasa familiar. Entah siapa.
           “Ups! Sorry!”  
Dari arah yang berlawanan, Kell menabrak Zarah yang sedang berjalan menuju gerbang keluar bandara.
           “No problem.”
        Bagai disengat aliran listrik, kepala Zarah tiba-tiba merasakan sakit luar biasa. Lelaki itu memegang bahu kiri Zarah ketika melihat Zarah tampak kesakitan.
          “Are you okay?”
         “Sorry, Kell. This is my sister.  I’m looking for her and we have to go home. Thanks.”Alfa tiba-tiba muncul dan segera menggandeng tangan Zarah untuk menjauhi Kell. Zarah bingung dengan apa yang dilakukan lelaki yang tak dikenalnya itu.
          “Okay.”Kell memandangi Alfa dan Zarah yang menuju gerbang keluar.
          “Kau aman, Partikel.” Alfa berbisik di telinga Zarah.
       Zarah tersentak. Lelaki asing itu...seperti mengalirkan gelombang yang menghentikan rasa nyeri di kepalanya. Perlahan ingatan Zarah dan Alfa kembali, saling bertautan.

Monday 11 January 2016

366 Poems Project

New year, new challenge.

Have you ever thought, is it necessary to write down a new year resolution in the beginning of the year? This thought crossed my head while I'm thinking of my failure in 2015. Before, I wrote my resolution in my new year morning in my diary also the review of last year. I never involve in new year eve celebration because I hate being in the middle of crowded situation and I think it waste. Sometimes I sleep early and wake up to write down my resolution at midnight. 

But not in this new year. 2016. In this year, I'm going to be 25! Oh gosh, it's so scary realizing it, I'm still far from the goals  I wished for along, such as studying abroad and married, some friends of mine already do. *exhale*  So, in other words, there are still many of my dreams that I didn't get yet. There are just two or three of dreams in my resolution list for 2015 which have done. I passed some failures and some hardship for me personally and also for my family.  I felt so desperate at that time, but Thank God I could pass it. I think it just the matter of time. I couldn't manage my time wisely. 

Until, one day, I had chit chat conversation by whatsapp with one of my best friend. She told me more and suggested some nice articles to read, hopefully I can get the enlightments and new spirits. 
that afternoon I realized, I still have a difficulty to accept and appreciate the little things I did. maybe it seems little to me but it's not for others. what I expected is something huge achievements that come yet. it takes time to grow. at least I already started to plant and to water. continuing to fertilize with patience and persistence will help it grows well and some years ahead, it will bloom beautifully. maybe what I got in last year is not always achievement, but some invisible things which just seen by heart, such us surrounding by nice, warm hearted, and inspiring people. aaaa.. I should be more grateful. Alhamdulillah.

Just back to the moment of six months ago that my mother was sick in the hospital and i had so much hard feeling because of the doctor diagnose. We tried our best, sacrified what we could do, and pray more for her health. It's nothing compare to what she did since she was becoming a mother 25 years ago. She is my hero, my angel and Now Alhamdulillah she's getting better. So I have to be more grateful, I still have time to make her happy. Insya Allah. 

And..that's why, rather to list my resolution I tried to challenge my self. One of my challenge is writing 366 poems in 2016.  Why? Because I like arranging dictions and rhyme. Firstly, I posted it for my personal project until my friends who also like to write poem or story commented and asking for join. I have no idea before. Then I made up my mind so it can be a team project. The goal? I don't expect to much than just for making the habit to write everyday. Being productive and consistent are very hard, especially for the beginning, but if we have a group consist of some mates who have the same passion, I hope it will be easier. That's why I was very happy when Anggi, Ervina, kashika, and Rizkicha joined me to this project. And voila.....

 We make a room, a blog, to post our poems. You can visit :

You will enjoy the poems in many languages, with graphic,, photos,, also intruments (If it's possible)

Write what you think and what you feel. 

enjoy! :D